Jack Nicklaus' gold Rolex watch could sell for $18 million - Golf Channel
He wore it after he won the 1972 U.S. Open at Pebble Beach. He wore it after he won the 1986 Masters at age 46. He wore it for more than 50 years and you, too, can wear it if you have lots and lots and lots of money.
Jack Nicklaus’ gold Rolex watch is up for auction on Tuesday courtesy Phillip Auction House in Manhattan, New York. Nicklaus joined CNBC’s “Squawk Box” to discuss the watch, which experts say may go for … take a breath … over $17.8 million.
Nicklaus said it was his first watch and the only one he wore for five decades. He retired it in 2017 because he wanted to put it to auction to benefit children's health care. Jack and wife Barbara have long raised money to aid in children's health, from the Nicklaus Children's Hospital to the Nicklaus Children's Health Care Foundation.
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